We rise by lifting each other!

Empower a woman, transform a community.

Rise and Shine
Rise and Shine Women Empowerment Center is a board-led local non-governmental organization in the Tigray region of Ethiopia founded by two visionary women in May, 2023 to promote gender equality and enhance the economic, social, political and legal empowerment of women and girls.

Health education Social Empowerment help-donate-1-1 Economic empowerment help-donate-1-1 Peace Building help-donate-1-1 Advocacy help-donate-1-1 Gender sensitization help-donate-1-1 Psycho-Social support help-donate-1-1 Political participation help-donate-1-1 Knowledge and skill-building help-donate-1-1


Organize workshops and seminars on gender equality, covering topics such as gender stereotypes, gender-based violence and women and girls’ empowerment and advocate for policies that promote gender equality and protect women from discrimination and violence.

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  • Help in Advocacy
  • Help in Capacity Building
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Political participation

encourages women and girls to participate in politics and decision making processes, providing training on advocacy and leadership skills, and supporting women candidates in elections.

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Gender sensitization

organize workshops and awareness raising campaigns to challenge gender stereotypes, promote gender equality and prevent gender based violence.

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  • Help in Gender Sensitization
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Legal aid facilitation

Conduct awareness and advocacy campaigns, collaborate with local law enforcement agencies, courts, and government institutions and advocate for the implementation of policies and laws to improve women and girls’ legal rights and access to available legal aid services.

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  • Help in Aid
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Psycho-Social support

Provide psycho-social support and counseling services for women and girls, to share their experiences, receive emotional support, and learn coping strategies.

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  • Help in PSS
  • Help in Trauma Healing
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provide adolescent girls with the tools, resources, and opportunities they need to thrive in education and help them boost their personal growth, empowerment and success.

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  • Help in Educational Materials
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Health, Nutrition and WASH

promoting women and girls’ health, nutrition and WASH through awareness campaigns on reproductive health, HIV AIDS as well as hygiene and sanitation, nutrition and WASH.

  • Donate Money
  • Help in WASH
  • Help in Equipments
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Peace building

Conduct training workshops, capacity-building programs, awareness raising and advocacy campaigns to engage women and girls in peace building activities, conflict resolution, and mediation.

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  • Help in Peace Building
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Knowledge and skill-building

Organize workshops and training programs to enhance women and girls’ skills and knowledge, including peace education, vocational training and leadership development programs.

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  • Help in Skill Building
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Economic empowerment

support women in starting their own businesses, providing access to microfinance, promoting entrepreneurship and facilitating employability.

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  • Help in Others
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We are

Inspiring and Helping for Better Lifestyle

As a local non-governmental organization, we are deeply committed to promoting economic, social, political, and legal empowerment for women across our community. Through innovative programs and initiatives, we strive to break down barriers, challenge stereotypes, and create pathways to success for women and girls from all walks of life.

At Rise and Shine, we believe that when women rise, entire communities thrive. Join us in our mission to build a more equitable and inclusive society, where every woman has the opportunity to reach her full potential and shine bright.

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Rise and Shine Women Empowerment Center Rise and Shine Women Empowerment Center Rise and Shine Women Empowerment Center
Vision and Mission

Rise and Shine women Empowerment Center

We envision a society that acknowledges equal participation and benefit of women in all aspect of their lives.

Our Mission is to promote gender equality and enhance the economic, social, political and legal empowerment of women and girls.

Worldwide non profit charity

Upcoming Events

International Women's Day Celebration Empowering Women, Inspiring Change

March 8 from 8:00-10:00

International Women's Day Celebration Empowering Women, Inspiring Change

International Women's Day Celebration Empowering Women, Inspiring Change will be our main event we will prepare by our organization rise and shine women empowerment center
At rise and shine women office

International Day For The Elimination Of Violence Against Women

eliminatin vionlance
Nov 25 from 10:00-11:00

International Day For The Elimination Of Violence Against Women

International Day For The Elimination Of Violence Against Women Organizer Rise And Shine Venue Rise And Shine Office
rise and shine main office

African Women Day

Nov 25 from 10:00-11:00

African Women Day

This is the special day that rise and shine prepares in relation to Tigray women and their effect due to their are Tigrians
rise and shine main office